Take one beer for my head now, take one beer for my head oh! Ewu! I for done marry oh ogogoro na you cause am oh! I for done marry ogogoro na you cause am oh!.
Bloggers it is not easy oh! But come to think of it, what exactly do people gain from getting high? The thing tire me self. Do not get me wrong I have not come here to preach to you guys because its almost too certain that I might end up with a drink before the day ends (very funny guys I certainly would'nt consider myself an alcoholic but pardon me if I indulge myself once in a while).
I grew up around people that drink and so it was all too easy for me to endear my self to the colored bottles (I prefer green by the way). I guess I had my first drink in J.S.S 3 or thereabout (I bet some of you even started earlier than I did…lol). Anyways drinking for me was one thing and getting high was another. Most of my alcoholic friends used to tell me that I simply never got high because I never took beyond my limits.The irony of the matter however is that, I never actually got the chance of knowing what my limit was as I only stopped consuming whenever I noticed I was getting full (the same feeling you get when you consume food). Usually, the ritual for me after such consumption is to go to the loo, pee and burp like someone with no good home training. Excuse me for a sec.'BUURRRRP' yes! that feels so much better (and i do have good toilet manners except when drunk of course...lol)
My inability to get high made me try a whole load of unconventional stuff like ‘Shekpe’ (roots dipped in gin) and some brand of native spirits. Somehow I guess these weren’t my thing as I just didn’t feel their steez. Anyways I soon started experimenting more on spirits and all of a sudden I started to get a hang of this stronger brand of drinks. Little did I know that I was starting the journey towards getting FUCKED UP. Anyhoos! Follow me as I take you on this journey of discovery.
Sometime during the month of July my cousin had decided to throw a party to celebrate his birthday. We had decided to throw the party in the house so as avoid cost and also create and environment for people to loose it ‘Fi le’ (leave it). My cousin and I rushed off to the Palms to get drinks for the party (ehn! Did I hear anybody say Awoof? You better not.)
Anyhoos we got a couple of drinks and started heading back home as our guests were already arriving. On our way home I noticed a supermarket and decided to still splurge some money on spirits. I went in and ordered for a brand recommended by a friend.
Sasuke- Madam! Please can I have a bottle of Absolute?
Madam- sure which one do you want the 40% or 50%
With a smirk on my face
Sasuke- madam, give me both.
I picked up the bill and made my way back to the car. In about ten minutes we were already home. I jumped out of the car with the drinks and rushed off to take a shower. after taking a shower I got into my 'kaks' (clothes) and made my way to the palour to set up the Gbedu ( na me be Dj una one try?)
Cousin- Sasuke we’ve been waiting on you abeg set up the deck
Sasuke- on it oh!
30 minutes later the party done dey rock. I had a bottle of shine-shine bobo with me as I spun the tracks. The party people were already sipping easy (nothing do us).
An hour later I can gladly tell you that there was no more lady or gentleman in the house plus I was almost through with my third bottle of shine shine (me I no be gentleman at all). Chics were grinding bobo’s like they were pepper. Na today! I got up from my seat and made my way to the kitchen to get the bottle of Absolute. I got a mini glass, made my way back to my seat and poured myself a drink. My eyes were watery as the first shot hit rock bottom ‘AKAMABOSA!!’
A chic came to pull me from my seat and I was soon ‘lorileing’ away. Ehn! Who dem be? Who born monkey give am pomo? Fi le. Gba be, She be! First I want to dance with you pere, omo ma lo ro kpe mo kere (another shot of vodka hit the dust) Gongo Aso otu pa oh! anywhere I dey Haba! Their papa left testicles (another shot of vodka greeted my throat)
I was rocking away with no dignity. I honestly do not know how many shots of vodka I took but all I can remember is that I had my shirt off and was harassing my tipsy dance partner voraciously.
I do not really understand if it was the dancing that didn’t make me feel the effect of the vodka instantly but I soon started getting the slightest hint that I was FUCKED when a friend asked me to escort her to get a cab at the junction.
Bubu- Sasuke please could you escort me to the junction to get a cab?
Sasuke- alrrrigggght noooo wahaaalla.
Bubu- Sasuke are you ok?
I wonder why she be dey ask me this jamb question. Shey she no dey see the answer for my eye ni?
Sasuke- Bubu don’t worry I am ok lets go (walking her to the door)
Bubu- Sasuke where are you going to without your shirt?
Sasuke- my shirt, what shirt? My friend I am fully dressed can’t you see? ( clutching my self in the process. Oh! boy I no wear cloth true true oh!)
Sasuke- okay hold on a minute ( I rushed of the the seater to get my shirt)
Sasuke- Oya! lest grow
Bubu- Sasuke are you high?
Sasuke- what nonstence is zis do I look highhh?
Bubu- Sasuke you are high
Sasuke- I am snot high
Bubu- let me get your cousin so you do not go and sleep in the gutter on your way back
Sasuke- na yous go skip gutter
She dashes back into the house and comes out with my cousin
Cousin- (giggling) oya lets go’
Bloggers as we descended the staircase if una see the way I take hold my cousin. im be like say the ground dey come meet me
Cousin- Sasuke was wrong with you abi you wan fall me?
Sasuke- Baba no vex im be like say I done gas out for the one wey I dey so
My cousin and Bubu both burst out laughing
Sasuke- Yes I admit it I am fucked abeg I no dey form na una hand I dey now
We got to the junction and started waiting for a taxi. I immediately saw a cars light in the distance and started waving frantically shouting on top of my eyes Taxi! Taxi! Taxi! I could see from the corner of my eye that my cousin and Bubu were not trying to stop the cab. I started jumping and waiving to attract the car.
Bubu and my cousin start laughing frantically.
Cousin- Sasuke na wha for you oh! shey you know fit see say na Camry 2008 you dey stop as taxi!
Bubu finally got a cab some minutes later. Bloggers na when me and my cousin dey waka go house na im I come realize say assuming say na only me escort Bubu come find taxi e for too sure say na inside gutter I for sleep that night.
Sasuke- Baba thanks oh! For escorting me.
Cousin- (laughing) no lele
Bloggers I bet you can already figure how the rest of my night went. Lots of vomiting and headache. All in the name of getting high. God punish Absolute. but that one no mean say if una get parri make una no invite me sha. Oya! take one beer for my head now, take one beer for my head oh!
Watch out for part 2
PS- Una no even ask me wetin do the second bottle of Absolute? people dey drink shaaaaa!!
Its your Boy Sasuke
Shayo na bas***d
seems u ve not learnt ur lesson,
u go wound o
dis man u wan kill me wit laughter, abi.
am too light-headed 4 alcohol. but a heartbreak drove me 2 consume vodka & gin mixed together. kai, kai. it was terrible. if i told d story, it wouldn't b funny so i don file am away as those things dat shouldn't repeat itself
Lmao..I have actually heard of that drink but skipped it real fast..Get high on weed but that one sef fit show you dead people oh…
U definitely would have woken up in d gutter.
God save u say ya cuz like u!!!!!
Make part two do come o... i no get patience lyk that
LMAOOOOOOOOO...ahh I have had those days..I got high one time on 75.5% Bacardi!!!..Lets just say me and my toilet where bestfriends that night.. Now I am a wine person!!!..Shayo!!!
Hmmmmmmmmmmm this picture sad it all. Sayo na b....d
Hmmmmmmmmmmm this picture sad it all. Sayo na b....d
shawooooooooooo. shea u don meet ur match now ern. forget limit, that shit wuld fuck u the hell up.
lol @ u shouting taxi.
menh! i for laff tire. oh gosh! this was a funny one.
i swear na u 4 get that gutter if say ur cousin no follow u.
so that's what shekpe means!
thankfully, gin and vodka taste nasty to me.
Na wa for this our once a month blogging ehn Sasuke.
Good to see ur brake light sha.
Nuin does u, next time, look for Ray & Nephew, but also have a donor on standby for liver transplant!
U fcuk up o...but I know say ur own no reach ma own fuck up...
See as you dey disgrace me for here enh, sasuks!
Good boy!
drunkard. wat type of life do u leave it seems so hilarious. ur post crack me up
lmao ur too funny
tufiakwa! bloggers be dangerous specie oh! person never post finish, una don comment die..hmmmm, i gats to sharp up abi??....be back in a bit
tufiakwa! bloggers be dangerous specie oh! person never post finish, una don comment die..hmmmm, i gats to sharp up abi??....be back in a bit
"Oya! lest grow"..you've come again na, see me reading with tears in my eyes...me sha, i've never been drunk before oh! thunda faya devil, it will not happen, i will not mumu in public :P....i can be high oh, but i no dey pass wher i know is my limit..equivalent of 4 bottles of smirnoff ice (i never drink 4 befor oh! but i know say i go fit...)
sassuuuuuukkkkkkeeeeeeeee. omuti. havent seen u in my blog in a wyl. u wan rundown?
i thank God i hate the taste of alcohol, otherwise, i know 'omuti' wud be my middle name...
thank God for Baba o!
Fcuked up????? if you ca actually ask someone to call a cab you aint half way there...wait until you go to a friends house for drinks, drink away (then blank>>>>>>fast forward next day late afternoon>>>>)
you both wake up in a town 240 miles away, in a strange house, strange beds wearing 'borrowed pJ's that u do not know you borrowed
you make your way to the living room where there are 6 individuals who you apparently dont recall meeting but they are so friendly which suggests something might have gone down with some of them last night..but which one.....only then will you know that you have been truly Fcukked up!!
ps Not a confession
E no go berra for shayo o!
Oloshi boy...
Lol Sasuke...I like this *My eyes were watery as the first shot hit rock bottom ‘AKAMABOSA!!’*
A lot of folks in nija drink too much, its like the onyl thing they know to do socially.
Abeg mi brother, te slow o!
u no kill pesin wit laffter oo
take ur tym o!
oya, this place don reach to update...
"My name is Sasuke"
"I am an alcoholic"
lol! That is the first step to recovery oh! =)
Hope all is well my broda.
sasuke... O GINI?!?!?
update jo!!!
Oh my God, Sasuke you're a killer.
i just can't explain how loudly you got me laughing.
Man you've got talent.
Keep it up. Whatz good with you?
Have u gone on one of ur disappearing acts again?
sasuke? where are you?
BROS' dis ur hangover don pass be careful o' haba!!!!
abeg UPDATE so at least we go kno say u dey'
lmao.loj at stoping latest car as tyxi.ur cousin dey nice o
Just checking in
wow, you still haven't returned...
Im officially worried o..where u dey??
we stil dey wait o
more grease.. shack for ur bottle
I guess this means you aren't coming back?
Happy New Year.
Hapy new year love...hope u are good...
vivo la vida hombre!!!!
Nibo lo gbalo?
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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